7 Day Candles Now Available!

How to Interpret Candle Magic

Candles has been and continue to be used in a number of religious and spiritual rituals. Candles are not only used as a way to cleanse, clear, protect, and manifest your hearts desires but can be used as a form of divination. Divination is another way to get the messages from your Ancestors, Spirit Guides, and Source informing you of what is going on within your energy as well as your environment. It is also important to follow your intuition and remember to consider the type of candle that you are burning. 


What does it mean when you see black soot on the candle vessel?


Black soot on the candle vessel means that there is a blockage or obstacles that is affect your spiritual work and/or your forward movement. If the black soot continues but then clears out, this means that the obstacles is being cleared out. Even with the soot not going to the bottom of the vessel, I would still burn another candle and cleanse your energy and space.

If the black soot continues to the bottom of the vessel I would cleanse your energy by doing a spiritual bath, cleanse your space and burn another candle and/or get energy work done. Remember to follow your intuition and always connect with your divine spirit team.


What does it mean when the black soot is showing up on a certain part of the vessel but the rest of the vessel is clear?


If the black soot is showing up on a certain part of the candle vessel spirit is tell you where the blockage or obstacle is coming from or what is being block.


Right side with soot - Means that there is a blockage or obstacle with your future. Something is trying to block your path to your future or there are obstacles. This could be a person in your energy or in your space, unhealed wounds or your own perspective is blocking your forward movement.


Left side with soot – Means the blockage or obstacle is coming from the past. The past could be a person, or situation that you are no longer associate with, an unhealed wound from a past life or unhealed trauma from your childhood.


Back side with soot- Means there is a blockage or obstacle that your experiencing is with your spirit, emotions, and/or mind set. It's important to remember that at times the block could be you block yourself.


Front side with soot- Means that there is a blockage or obstacles coming from or directly affecting the material world. This could be something affecting your finances, your home or your health.


If the candle vessel is black all around then it means that all of these areas are being block or your experience obstacles. For example you could have childhood trauma that is making your miss out on opportunities, that is affecting you finances and causing stress and delaying your forward movement.  


What does it mean when there is white soot on the candle vessel?


When white soot on a candle vessel means that spirit is present and assisting you.


What does it mean when there is white soot mixed with a little black soot?


White soot mixed with a little black soot means that spirit is present and helping remove blockages.


What does it mean when all of the wax is gone out of the vessel?


When the max is missing from the bottom of the vessel it means that candle is successful.


What does it mean when wax is left at the bottom of the candle?


Wax left at the bottom of the candle means that spirit it not finish. There is more work that is needed to be done for success like a spiritual bath, another candle, cleansing of your space, etc.


What does it means when there is lines on the candle vessel?


Lines on the side of the vessel indicates time frame. Thin lines can indicate hours. Medium lines can indicate days to weeks. Larger lines can indicate weeks to months. The lines and smudges of wax on the vessel is also spirit tell you that you will need to put in some work as well. Also the space between each line indicates time as well.


What does it mean when the candle vessel is clear?


A clear vessel means a success burn


What does it mean when the candle turns off?


If the candle turns off it means that you need to change your approach. The candle may not be necessary and there is something else that you need to do to resolve the issue, this could mean not so a much spiritual solution but something you need to physically do. It’s could also mean that it is the wrong solution and a different candle is needed. Definitely connect with your spiritual team at this time and use your intuition.


What does it mean when the candle flame is steady?


When the flame is steady, it means that spirit is working and helping bring in the intention of the candle. Your spirit team is getting together making plans.


What does it mean when there is black smoke coming from the flame?


When there is black smoke coming from the flame it means  spirit is removing negative vibrations to help and really get into the work.


What does is mean when white smoke is coming from the flame?


When white smoke is coming from the flame it means that elevated spirits are coming to assist. Also the intention is good and will be granted.



What does it mean there is a high flame?


When you have a high flame it means that there is a lot of energy and strong push behind your work. Spirit is pushing your prays to bring in you manifestations.


What does it mean when you have a low flame?


When you have a low flame that means that there is something that is trying to block your work or there is some type of obstacle. There is more working that is need, like a spiritual bath, cleansing your space, etc.


What does it mean when you have a twin flame?


When you have a twin flame it means that there is two spirits helping, two people could be involved, more then one obstacle or more than one thing going on in the back ground. Defiantly when considering the meaning of the twin flames refer to what type of candle is being burned and what else the flame and vessel maybe saying.


What does it mean to have a dancing erratic flame?


When you have a dancing erratic flame it means that there is some type of interference around the work and/or in the environment. It could also mean that someone is actively doing work against your candle especially if you see that it looks like something is trying to oppress the flame and black soot is coming from the flame.



What does it mean when you have a flickering flame?


When a candle flame is flickering it means spirit is present


What does it mean when the candle make a loud crackling or popping flames?


A when the candle makes a loud crackling and popping sound it means some type of interference or some type of resistance, or spirit could also be communicating with you especially if it a whisper, or hissing sound.


What does it mean when the flame is low?


A low flame means that there is low energy, meaning that additional work is needed, with the candle because of the type of blockages or obstacles that you have. It could also mean the intention is not clear, or that the intention of the candle will take time and patience is need. If the flame increases over time that mean that the energy of the candle increased or the blockage or obstacle was removed.


What does it mean when the flame is moving to a certain side without any interference with the wind?


When the flame is moving in a certain direction spirit is communicating to you what the issue, block or cause of why the candle magic was having issues or even why a particular situation is occurring.


If the candle flickers and move in the direction of north it means an earthy or man-made reason and not one that is spiritual


If the candle flame flickers and moves to the east it means that the connection or cause is something mental, or something with communication.


If the candle flame flickers and moves to the south it means that the connection or cause is something in the physical


If the candle flame  flickers and moves to the west it means that the connection or cause is something emotional.


For example if I am burning a protect candle and I ask spirit what is the cause of the negative energy. The candle flame will move in the direct of what the cause of the negative energy is. The cause could be because of world or man made things, someone emotions , etc.