The 7 African Powers Candle is a representation of the 7 Orishas from the African and Afro-Caribbean religions traditions. This candle can be used along with prayers and offers to request assistance and guidance in varies areas in your life. Each color presents one of the 7 Orishas.
The 7 Orishas include:
Elegua (Red): Is the guardian of crossroads and doorways.
Obatala (White): The father of the Orishas who embodies purity, wisdom and clarity of thought.
Yemaya (Blue): The mother of the Orishas who has a mothering, nurturing energy that offers emotional healing and guidance.
Oshun (Yellow): The Orisha of sweet waters and rivers. She represents love, beauty, and prosperity.
Chango (Red and White): The Orisha of Thunder and lighting, he is also associated with the divine masculine, strength and power.
Oya (Burgundy): The Orisha of violent storms, change healing, transformation, and protection.
Qgun ( Green): Ogun has the energy of iron, warfare, strength, protection and determination
Fixed/ Dressed Conjure Candle: Are specifically prepared and blessed with rituals, intention, energy and prayers
Plain Candle: No fixed preparation